Hostinger is currently a very cheap web hosting provider among all the top web hosts. A new member can start a website at a very low price without any coupon code. It provides sufficient storage for newbies.
If you can not decide the host for your very new blog, then you can start hosting the site with 30 days money-back guarantee. The lowest plan will charge you $1 and renewal will be at regular but the features are very satisfying for an individual as well as for a team.
Free domain name offer
The lowest plan (Single site hosting) will not give you a free domain name but moving to premium or business plans has included with a free domain name.
You will not be required to apply coupon codes to get the free domain name but the offer itself has it.
- Validity: 1 year
- Only for annual plans
- Variety of TLDs
Is domain name free for life?
The free domain name is an offer and valid for a year only. Renewal of the domain is at a regular price.
Can I get a free domain without a hosting plan?
No, a free domain is an offer for those who are looking to host their site. So purchase a host and get a free domain name for a year, is the actual offer.
Is there any catch?
No, the offer is real and no extra costs are added. Even a new customer will get a discounted purchase of hosting and all other free features remain in the hosting plans.
Can I transfer the free domain to another registrar?
All registered free domain names are locked for a period of 60 days. After that, you can transfer it but keep in mind that typically there is a transfer fee applies to the service. Meanwhile, there are no any charges for a year period on Hostinger.
Can I use a free domain name to create a domain-based email?
Of course, you can have a professional-looking email and great domain-based email. All hosting plans are included email service by default. If you like then you can use an email hosting plan for this.